VNU-IS Counselling Services

"A companion to Isers and youth.
We may not be able to solve every problem in the world, but at least we're not alone!"


Project 'Love? Not enough!' - July 2022

Yoga course 'Listen and love your body' - April 2023




You can register in online form at the LINK or in this FORM

Send an mail to Counselors to schedule an appointment:

Or call VNU-IS Counselling Services's hotline: (+84)966408685

Weekdays from Monday to Friday
(Except Monday afternoon and Thursday morning)



8:30AM - 11:30AM

1:30PM - 4:30PM


- Hacinco campus: Room 609, building C, unit 2

- Hoa Lac Campus: Room 327 HT1

- Trinh Van Bo campus: Room 106

All students of the International School - Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU-IS)

What is the cost and duration of the Counselling Services?

This service is TOTALLY FREE for International School students (VNU-IS). Students can choose to meet face-to-face or by phone/ online meeting. Each counselling session can last from 45-60 minutes in a one-on-one format.

All information about Student's education, mental health and related services is private and we are committed to complete confidentiality of the information you provide. The only exceptions to this privacy law involve a few times when it becomes clear that a person's life is in danger, when a person who cannot take care of himself/herself is in danger of being harmed, when there is violence between people living together, or when information is requested by a court of law.

Respect the difference:
We understand that each person is a unique individual that does not repeat, and everyone has value and deserves to be concerned.

Counselors should not only be honest with their clients, but will also have to be honest with themselves. The counselor is right about: his/her identity, qualifications, professional certifications, experience and abilities.

Enthusiasm and concern for the needs of the person being helped:
Right from the first meeting, the counselor is ready to listen and share with you. In psychotherapeutic counseling, counselors work with their heart and mind to be able to support their clients to the best of their ability. Counselors are not only interested in your thoughts or situation, but they are also particularly interested in your emotional life, there may be things that you have never told anyone or even you do not want to talk about. In the process of learning about your inner world, counselors empathize and share your feelings, experiencing those feelings as if they had experienced your problems themselves.

Respect for self-determination:
The counselor does not tell you “you must/you should….” where a counselor will help you find your own potential to solve problems on your own.

Maintain professional relationship standards:
Although the relationship between you and the counselor is very close, you and the counselor should always be aware that this is a professional relationship.

Professional self-improvement responsibilities:
We always hone our professional skills and update new knowledge so that the quality of our services is getting higher and higher and better meeting your needs.

Be open-minded, relaxed and most importantly, be yourself! Thus, the Service can understand and provide you with the best possible counselling.

Whenever you have difficulties in life, feel tired or sad… you can go to psychological counseling. Counselling Services is always open to welcome and share with you!

Who is VNU-IS Counselling Services's Couselor?

Psychologist & career orientation counselor for International School students is Master of Psychology Nguyen Thi Nhu Phuong with 20 years of experience. She is also a working specialist at the Student Affairs Department.